Coming soon to Bows and Arrows in Sacramento
Thursday, October 24th 6-10pm: 5$
This event is a workshop focusing solely on sketching/studying various animal and human bones, as well as a life-sized model of a human skeleton. The primary focus of this event will be to bring art enthusiasts a one-night resource for studying the anatomy of human and animal skeletons — all within a wonderful spooky near-Halloween atmosphere. The bones will be set in interesting arrangements, possibly with themes such as serious memento mori or perhaps something slightly more lighthearted. Everyone is welcome to join!
I will be working with a fantastic local artist named Grey Cat on this. Grey Cat will be vending his bone jewelry during the event, which will give those interested a great opportunity to own their own bones.

Don't forget to bring your drawing materials!

Thursday, October 24th 6-10pm: 5$
This event is a workshop focusing solely on sketching/studying various animal and human bones, as well as a life-sized model of a human skeleton. The primary focus of this event will be to bring art enthusiasts a one-night resource for studying the anatomy of human and animal skeletons — all within a wonderful spooky near-Halloween atmosphere. The bones will be set in interesting arrangements, possibly with themes such as serious memento mori or perhaps something slightly more lighthearted. Everyone is welcome to join!
I will be working with a fantastic local artist named Grey Cat on this. Grey Cat will be vending his bone jewelry during the event, which will give those interested a great opportunity to own their own bones.

Don't forget to bring your drawing materials!

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